Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Creating my Lighthouse

This screenshot shows the initial creation of the tower for my lighthouse. All I did was insert a cylinder and cone into Maya and sized them appropriately. I then placed the cone on top of the cylinder to give the medieval tower look shown in my mood boards.
I then duplicated the same tower and spaced them apart to create a gap where I will be placing a bridge to connect the two with a fire/light source in the middle.
After, I created a square and sized it down to create a bridge to connect the two towers. After looking at it I realised that it looked odd floating in between and added more squares and sized/placed them to act as supports for the bridge. I also added a plane for my towers to sit on.   
I also created two balconies on each tower as in my research I found that medieval towers would usually have a this feature. I used cubes and cylinders to create this affect.
 I created walls with cubes to surround my lighthouse which will be in the centre of my structure. I then made a smaller cube and placed it on top of the wall, duplicated it and placed it along the wall to create a medieval castle look.
I created a central tower for the fire of my lighthouse to be situated, I added windows to both this tower and the towers surrounding it as well. I created the windows my making a cube, flattening it and raising the vertexes on top to create a arch. I created the crowns as a crest for my lighthouse. I raised the vertexes of a cube to create a crown shape then added spheres to act as jewels.
I created a flag pole and flag to match the crest on my central tower my shifting the vertexes of a cube to give the look of a flag. I also created the fire pit for my lighthouse and spike pillars to look more threatening and foreboding like a castle should.  
I created smaller windows to go around the large walls of my lighthouse. I did this my taking a cube flattening it and then adding edge loops, raised the vertexes to create spikes and placed appropriately.
I needed to create a form of making the light of my lighthouse rotate in order for it to be effective, I did this my flattening cubes and placing them around the fire pit. This would mean that the light emitted from the fire would be concentrated on the mirrors and then lighten an area. I also changed the tops of my towers to a more realistic shape from cones to cubes then extruded the corners to create a similar look to my central tower and being more like castles from medieval times. 
I then created a main door for my central tower by putting two cubes, elongating them and then cutting a tube in half to create a arch, this meant that their was a way to easily access my lighthouse. I textured it in black brick. I also crated two smaller doors made of flattened cubes for my towers surrounding my lighthouse. 
I then went on to texture my entire model using my mood boards, colour schemes and research to help me decide on what textures to use.
I created a landscape for my lighthouse to be situated on, I did this my texturing some cones and cubes in a mountain/rock texture an placing them accordingly around my model.
I also created a docking station by enlarging a cylinder then flattening it, I reused the supports I made for the bridge a cross my lighthouse, that was situated just in front of my lighthouse hanging off the edge, I will put a plane textured with an ocean texture to make it seem like the sea.
I made a back drop for my scene In an attempt to make my render look more realistic. I did this by texturing a sphere with a sky texture, then reversed it so it showed the texture inside the sphere as well.
I put all the background elements together and finally created a ocean textured plane to acts as a sea. I also added a spotlight coming from my lighthouse and a ambient light to act as the natural light source of the sun. 


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